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Title: Teaching legal terminology translation based on foreign language professionally oriented texts
Authors: Guzikova, Valentina
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Установа адукацыі «Магілёўскі інстытут Міністэрства ўнутраных спраў Рэспублікі Беларусь»
Abstract: The article discusses the methods of working with professionally oriented texts aimed at teaching the translation of legal vocabulary in foreign language classes in a non-language educational institution, as well as the criteria of text material selection. Careful analysis and structuring of the studied foreign language material create conditions for learners that effectively influence the development of various speech activities, including reading and translating literature in the specialty.
Description: Guzikova, V. Teaching legal terminology translation based on foreign language professionally oriented texts / V. Guzikova // Thesaurus : зб. навук. пр. / Магілёўскі інстытут МУС. ‒ Магілёў, 2023. ‒ Вып. 12 : Выклікі XXI стагоддзя. ‒ С. 43‒49.
Appears in Collections:T H E S A U R U S. Выпуск XII. «ВЫКЛІКІ XXI СТАГОДДЗЯ» (Магілёў 2023 г.)

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